I love
these shoes. They are sooo cute -- not at all tweeny-bopperish as the photo might suggest; in fact, they more resemble the granny-with-her-slip-hanging-out look -- and they go great with jeans. I didn't buy them, though, because my left foot and my right foot were in complete disagreement over whether the shoes fit or not. The right foot was satisfied, but the left foot -- which is an entire half-size larger than the right -- protested. At this point, the sales lady offered to stretch the left shoe for me. I vaguely remember reading about these services, but I decline.
Don't you think shoes should be sold a la carte, the way two-piece swimsuits are sold? One 6.5R and one 7.0L, please. Think about it!
One good thing about living 1 million miles apart is that we can now own the same shoes and it's ok. No embarrassing Oscar moments!
There should at least be a meetup group to arrange a swap with your opposite size person. You could shop together, peruse catalogs, etc. It would be like you jointly owned 4 feet. Of which two are size 6.5, two are size 7.
Speaking as a person who also has 1foot larger than the other (right is 1/4 inch larger than left) there have been many a time I would love to be able to mix and match shoe size.
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