Don't you love it when you can find great couple friends? The kind where the girls get along and the guys get along and neither girl hates the other girl's guy for being an overgrown frat rat (I was going to say douchebag, but I think I overuse that term) and neither guy hates the other guy's girl for being a big drama queen? When I left Austin, I left my bestest couple friends behind. Sure, we see each other when we can, but what's a couple to do if the desire to drink beer strikes at 10:00 on a Sunday morning and another couple's presence is needed to legitimize, I mean "add to the enjoyment" of it all? Here is what a couple is to do: start stalking other couples. (Note to parents of young children: I've always heard that eventually your circle of friends will be comprised primarily of the parents of your kids' friends. I think that would be fantastic, kind of like having a fully-stocked private game reserve for your stalking pleasure. However, since Blaine and I do not have kids (yet), we have to do this guerilla-style). I think we have gotten very good at stalking -- all of the people we know fit into the "great couple friends" category.
Here is a photo of us with our first victims:

And here is a photo of me with the girl-half of our latest victims (I still haven't mastered that posing thing).

Oh sure, she lives in Palm Beach, but so what? She's smart, gorgeous, and has tons of snap to her. And she probably wouldn't judge me on that whole beer-at-10:00a.m. thing. So if you're an aging hipster who lives in the Houston area and would love to hear stories about my dog, watch out because I will probably ferret you out shortly. The moral of the story: stalking pays!
Um... we definitely stocked you. Haven't we discussed this? Oh, right, you were just being nice. P.S. I miss you! And I miss hearing about Cricket's poo.
Um, HELLO! couples drinking beer at 10 am? where do the wife and I sign up? Now that you have you lured my better half into boot camp, you can both wear your (previously unused since she bought them) skinny jeans together while Blaine and I do things like smoke brisket and ribs.
We miss you too.
Yep, we miss you as well. It's true, post-kids, you NEED couple friends with kids, otherwise, you're just apologizing for nonstop chaos, noise, mess, and never listening past the first 8 words of a sentence in any story your friend is trying to tell you without yelling "Hey! Share! Stop that! No hitting, NO HIT!Okay, sorry, you were saying..."
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