Thursday, April 24, 2008


I love the Prius, I do. But let's talk about horsepower for just a sec. The Allroad had almost 300hp. The Prius has 110hp. 110? Are you freaking kidding me? Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to drive the mean streets of Houston with 110hp? People tailgate, cut me off in traffic, yell obscenities at me. . . a senior citizen gave me the finger while whizzing past me on a Segway. . . Do they think I WANT to go this slowly? It's so maddening! It hurts my feelings! I get so ticked off, sometimes it makes me just want to. . .


Ashley said...

Wow!! When I get angry, I too want to do an angry dance in different, odd, public locales!

What a coincidence.

your coolest cousin

In case you wondered said...

You gotta take that Blaine kid off your links list. He's cute, but he's a one-hit-wonder.