The other day, Blaine went to Walgreens to pick up some allergy medicine because he is allergic to the entire city of Houston. Either that, or he has contracted a rare and deadly disease from walking under the Waugh bat bridge (it's kinda hard to tell based on what I read on the internet). Regardless, Wal-zyr was required. Whenever Blaine makes a trip to the store without me, I like to play the game BRING ME BACK A SPECIAL TREAT!!! Sure, it's not so much a game as it is one of those annoying little tests that people in relationships like to administer to each other (let's try to figure out what he thinks of me based on what he brings me! PANTYHOSE? What the HELL?!?), but I like it and basically anything you bring me from Walgreens is going to be awesome. I love Walgreens because it is chock-full of things like Lip Smackers' Dr. Pepper flavored lip gloss, Milky Way Midnight bars, Us Weekly magazines, those weird goat milk soaps from Mexico, old timey aftershave that smells like lime and bay leaves, etc., etc. This is what Blaine brought me:

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