- Are you more than 20% over your ideal weight?
- Do you have difficulty with your joints?
- Heart problems?
- Trouble breathing?
- Do you find it difficult to stand up?
- Greet people at the door?
- Run?
- Play?
- Are you a doggie?
If you answered yes, Slentrol can help.
At long last, science has taken a stand against the problem of canine obesity. Canine obesity is not only dangerous to a doggie's health, but it can also be very damaging to a doggie's emotional wellbeing. Too often, obese doggies are teased and bullied by other doggies at the dog park and are subjected to discrimination in the workplace. Most doggies who have tried dieting and exercise know that there is a genetic component to obesity. It doesn't have anything to do with self control, so you can just put down your copy of Men's Health and stop judging. Eating raw spinach and almonds and doing squats just does not work for everyone.

But now, with the introduction of Slentrol, obese doggies can look forward to feeling foxy again. And you will never have to answer the question, "does this collar make me look fat?" ever again.
Slentrol is an appetite suppressant, which helps cut down on those midnight pantry raids. (Late at night, I often hear Cricket unscrewing the lid of the peanut butter jar and pouring herself a beer). Oh sure, the adverse reactions of Slentrol may include vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and dehydration, but at least these side effects are consistent with the stated goals of the pill (weight loss, baby!) These Slentrol geniuses have thought of everything, and just in time for swimsuit season!
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