I have a question for all three of the people who read this blog on a regular basis: What do you think would be a fair price for this dress?

Assume that you like it alotalotalot. Assume that you think this could be THE perfect dress for Summer 2008. Assume that you have already imagined yourself wearing this dress to the farmers market with a straw hat and leather sandals and then trading the hat and sandals for gold hoop earrings and ballet flats and wearing the dress to a garden party/afternoon barbecue/girls' night/date night. Assume that you have further imagined that the second-best-dressed girl at the garden party/afternoon barbecue/girls' night/ date night will ask you where you got your dress. Assuming all of those things, what do you think would be a fair price for this dress?
I would hope for $75, but would pay $250, maybe $300 tops. OK OK, no more than $1400, but that's my final offer.
$1400!!! can you believe that crap?
Who the hell can spend that much money on a dress? It's COTTON for the love of God.
If it's truly all those things, I think $120. More than that - I'll make it my dam self. Or go shopping in Portland and find one that's cuter for $50.
I can't give you a fair answer since I read the comments first. Damn! I would have said $300 and you have to wear it 30 times to make it $10 a wear. It's totally worth $10 a wear if it makes you the best dressed girl at the farmers market AND the barbecue.
15 dollars.
what?! i'm a poor fucking college student now!
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