Monday, June 23, 2008

it's the economy, stupid

Okay, I am freaked out. Are you freaked out? Because I am freaked out. What is going on with the gas and the food and the mortgages, and the money? The other day, I paid $3.27 for two apples. Are you cutting back? Because I'm cutting back.

Here's what I'm going to do for the greedy, greedy economy: I'm going to try not to go to the best restaurant in Houston more than twice a week; I'm not going to buy these shoes (probably); I'm going to forego mani-pedis in favor of Incoco's awesome, awesome stick-on nail polish. (I'm actually so excited about this one. You should try it -- it's only available at Walgreen's and it will make you wish that the recession would last forever.) I hope this makes the economy very happy.


Ashley said...

don't be silly. forgo the restaurant, certainly forgo the apples, forgo manis and pedis.

while you're at it, buy me a pair too.

can't wait to see you today

Suzanne said...

I haven't been to Houston since I was 10 or so but the menu looks so appetizing that I don't know how you could give that up.