Monday, October 13, 2008

reasons my friends will be struck down

Yesterday my friend (who shall remain nameless lest I hasten her struck-down-edness) and I were discussing how much Matilda Ledger is starting to look like her late father Heath. (Don't judge us; we had already covered the vital issues of the day: Britney's new body and the scourge of High School Musical). My friend's take on Matilda and Heath? "She should go as the Joker for Halloween." Zap!

Different nameless friend, discussing whether Thimerosal can cause Autism, tells me she already knows what causes Autism: Jenny McCarthy. And zap.


In case you wondered said...

Not me! Sure, I'll be struck down for any number of reasons, but not these reasons.

NikkiO said...

At least we aren't going down alone.

BN said...

Matilda looks like that little fat dude from Little Britain. In a good way.