Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Inspector McElroy

Blaine's 4th grade report card.

Even though the teacher did not do an A+ job of filling out this report card, I am assured by Blaine's parents that he scored very well in social behavior. I believe them, because this explains so much about Blaine. He loves it when people's behavior conforms to the accepted social mores, like scooting into the corner of the elevator when someone new boards. He hates it when people do weird things, like sit too close to you in an otherwise empty movie theater.

I think he should reproduce this part of his report card and issue citations to adult offenders. An F in "respects rights of others" and "is courteous" could be left on the windshield of a badly parked car. A C- for "refrains from unnecessary talk" could be given to your chatty neighbor or to the lady talking on the phone in line at Starbucks. The possibilities are endless. Even if the entire 4th grade class of Garland ISD did learn these things in 1982, some people could clearly use a refresher course.

1 comment:

In case you wondered said...

I would totally get an NI (needs improvement) in refrains from unnecessary talk, while Matt would get an E++