Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Question. . .

Who is the last person in the world you should bring to the farmers' market with you?

Answer. . .

God only knows why, but I thought it would be a great idea to take Cricket to the farmers' market with me after I picked her up from doggie daycare yesterday. (Yes, I do realize the ridiculousness of the foregoing sentence. If you realize it too, then you will probably like this site.) It's not that she's a dog -- there were plenty of other dogs at the FM -- it's that Cricket is the only dog who looks at the food stalls and thinks to herself, "They did this all for me? How lovely! Let's eat!"

You know how judgmental organic foodies can be about what you eat? Well, it turns out that they are every bit as judgmental about how you raise your dog. So when Cricket pulled on her leash like a mofo, made those spectacular gagging sounds (ACK! GAAACK! AAACCCCK!), sniffed the bread guy's ass, and put her feet up on the cheese table, I was the recipient of countless disapproving glances and several sad, slow, eye-rolling shakes of the head (one guy even leaned all the way out of his car window to do the sad, slow, eye-rolling head shake). She was so awesome that I asked the herb guy what went well with braised dog (nervous laughter). Next time I'm leaving her in the car with the windows rolled up.

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