Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I haven't seen this atrocity in its entirety but I bet it has a happy ending! Every time I hear the opening notes, I stand up, yell "ABOMINATION!" and change the channel. Sometimes, if I can't find the remote in time, I just run from the room screaming "Yeaaaaarrrrrrrr" like a pirate, with my hands over my ears like Warren (the same reaction I had whenever Constantine Maroulis would appear on American Idol). Sameness! Frivolity! Lack of angst! Lack of teenage awkwardness! NO INSECURITY!!! This is so, so wrong. Up yours, J.C. Penny!


BN said...

There, I am now insane.

The only way they can make things right for me is if JC Penny's next commercial is a minute-long remake of The Killing Fields. "You have to leave Cambodia right now, Dith!" "But I'm reporter, too, Sidney!" But all the while wearing hoodies and graphic tees.

Suzanne said...

Boo on JC Penny's for taking something so great and turning it in to drivel.