Monday, June 30, 2008
why I am not a celebrity, reason #307

Sunday, June 29, 2008
overheard on vacation
- A man on a cell phone: "I swear to GOD, I was NEVER married to that woman!!!" (Um, do we really need to get God involved? Why don't we just call the county clerk's office?)
- An older woman to a young man who offered to carry her bag: "Look, I am Croatian! I lift everything! I can lift you!" (Okay, but what if he's Croatian too?)
- A woman on a cell phone: "Well, I'm in the Florida Keys right now, but I can still give you directions. Take West Alabama to Shepherd -- the corner with the Bookstop on it -- then turn left; it will take you to Westheimer and you can go from there." (Jeez. Don't forget to tell her that you can't go left on Westheimer from Shepherd).
Friday, June 27, 2008
where nobody knows our name
- Breakfast buffet until 11:00 (they even have smoked salmon, capers and red onions!)
- Drinks delivered to my beach chair
- 10,000 magazines
- The "Easy Breezy" NY Times crossword book (I can't get past Thursdays)
- And all the internet I can possibly read
Thursday, June 26, 2008
no shame in her game!!!
Since we're on the subject of how to move through Bush Intercontinental Airport, here is a list of travel DON'Ts from a business traveler who has logged more than 400,000 miles in the last four years:
- When you're checking in with Continental (which has gone 100% kiosk), DON'T get to the front of the line and stand there, mouth agape, waiting to be beckoned by a ticket agent to one of the thousand empty kiosks laid out before you. They put the kiosks there so you wouldn't have to wait for a ticket agent! You wouldn't wait for someone to invite you to take the first open port-o-potty at some hippy Phish-concert, would you? Just go to the first open kiosk, so the people in line behind you can get on with their lives.
- DON'T walk five abreast through the corridors of the airport at .00001 mph with your heads in the clouds, chatting about how many strawberry daiquiris you drank in Jacksonville FL, as passengers who are about to miss their connections try to weave around you.
- DON'T think it's cute to disregard your assigned seat on the plane and sit in the exit row seats (more legroom) hoping that the person who really has that seat won't call you on it. ("Well, it was worth a try! Ha ha!" -- No, it really wasn't, because now everyone on this plane knows you're THAT guy and they hate you.)
- While you're at it, DON'T ask to trade your center seat with someone who has a window/aisle seat so you can sit with your new girlfriend. Nobody cares.
- And finally, when retrieving your checked baggage, DON'T stand shoulder-to-shoulder with your shins against the carousel, watching other people's bags pass you by as you simultaneously block their access to said bags. ("Red Rover, Red Rover, let the guy who owns this olive green American Tourister come over!") STAND BACK, you can rush the carousel when you actually see your bag.
Harsh? Maybe. True? DEFINITELY. I admit it: I need a vacation. I wonder if I could take a good one without going through the airport?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
partly cloudy with gusting winds
I recently discovered that I can control the weather, which is very exciting. All I have to do is put on this dress:
and a hot, still day will turn rainy with gale-force winds -- or at least breezy enough to blow the skirt up over my head. If I were craftier I would sew pie weights into the hem; but I'm not, so I make sure to wear clean underwear.

in memoriam
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Beloved Beaver Head, from the day we brought you home from Petco, already disembodied, we could tell that you were something special. Not like the other gaudy toys whose showy displays faded so quickly amid gnashed teeth and thrashing head, you have been a true and faithful friend to Cricket. You were there for her when she wanted to wake us up at dawn with authority (squeaky-SQUEAKY, squeaky-SQUEAKY), when she wanted to negotiate a toy sharing accord (who could forget the historic Navy Blue Sock for Beaver Head Treaty of '07?), and when she needed a pillow on which to rest her weary head. To our complete astonishment, you lasted MORE THAN A YEAR. Alas, today your number was up, dear Beaver Head. Who knows why these things happen? (Well, actually, in this case we do know -- it was because Cricket hated it when you looked her in the eye, and you did that a lot today. Badly played, Beaver Head!) All we can do is look to the future and hope that we are someday lucky enough to find another friend like you; if not, we will be forced to take Cricket on walks or maybe up her daily dose of Benadryl.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
where everybody knows our name

Monday, June 23, 2008
it's the economy, stupid
Okay, I am freaked out. Are you freaked out? Because I am freaked out. What is going on with the gas and the food and the mortgages, and the money? The other day, I paid $3.27 for two apples. Are you cutting back? Because I'm cutting back.
Here's what I'm going to do for the greedy, greedy economy: I'm going to try not to go to the best restaurant in Houston more than twice a week; I'm not going to buy these shoes (probably); I'm going to forego mani-pedis in favor of Incoco's awesome, awesome stick-on nail polish. (I'm actually so excited about this one. You should try it -- it's only available at Walgreen's and it will make you wish that the recession would last forever.) I hope this makes the economy very happy.
so you think you can emote?
A strange thing has been happening since I let my talky-doctor talk me into "processing my feelings," which involves things like answering the question "how does that make you feel?" with something other than the word "fine" and saying the phrase "processing my feelings" without involuntarily rolling my eyes. Anyway, the strange thing that happens is that I get all weepy and emotional when I watch modern and contemporary dance. It started in New York when I watched the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater perform Revelations and noticed big tears rolling down my face. I wasn't sad, I was moved. It was an unnamed emotion, but I was feeling it. Take that, talky-doctor! Anyway, it wasn't a fluke. I cried when I watched the video for 1,2,3,4 and when I saw each of the following performances on the (you would think more lowbrow) So You Think You Can Dance -- my new summer obsession.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
tattoo you?

Friday, June 6, 2008
ready to come home now.

I have been out of town for the last month. I've been to Beaumont, Atlanta, Jackson (MS), Dallas, San Antonio, and Beaumont again. On airplanes, I have been seated next to crying babies (not so bad) and weirdos who climb over me to get to the aisle from the window seat without any advance warning (unbearable). I am always seated directly in front of the person with the wettest, phlegmiest, hanta-virusy cough, aka "patient zero." I've eaten fast food, not exercised, failed to brush my teeth, neglected to remove my eye makeup, and fallen asleep to Sports Center's 2am broadcast more times than I can count. I've done all of this because I love my job and I love to travel. But as I sit at my computer and watch a three inch long reddish-brown cockroach wend its way around the walls of my hotel room, I think I'm ready to come home now.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
half right
The other half of this sign should say, "If your dog is shorter than the red line, you must use the small dog run." This would cut down on the small-dog maulings that take place daily at the dog park thanks to people who insist that their yappy, nipping shih tzus are really big dogs on the inside. Maybe they are, but on the outside, they're still shih tzus.
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